Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas Pada NY. E Dengan Bendungan Asi Di Praktek Bidan Desna Elfita Kecamatan Medan Denai Tahun 2019

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Dublin Core


Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas Pada NY. E Dengan Bendungan Asi Di Praktek Bidan Desna Elfita Kecamatan Medan Denai Tahun 2019


Postpartum midwifery care for Mrs.E with Asi Dams in the Practice of Midwives Desna Elfita, Medan Denai District in 2019. This Research Aims: The impact of the ASI dam, namely static on the lymph vessels will result in intraductal pressure which will affect various segments of the breast, so that the overall pressure breasts increase. As a result, the breasts often feel full, tense and painful (WHO even though they are not accompanied by fever. It can be seen that the breast area is bigger, so that the milk is sucked by the baby. Breast milk dams that are not breastfed adequately can become mastitis (Heryani S, 2015). To reduce the incidence of breast milk retention by increasing mother's knowledge about breast care, thereby reducing the occurrence of breast milk retention, as well as increasing mother's knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. In addition, improving health services provides counseling about breastfeeding on demand. The type of research used in case studies is descriptive research, descriptive research is conducted to obtain an overview of health phenomena that occur in individuals or a certain population group. Respondents who were used as research objects were Mrs.E aged 31 years P1 AO who worked as housewives. The research chose Mrs. E as the object of research because Mrs. E had problems with her breasts, and the milk in the baby was not sufficient. Research Results: Based on the results of the postnatal midwifery care study Mrs. E on March 12 2019 the mother experienced breasts Feeling tense and hard, and felt pain and the baby did not want to suckle because the mother's milk Jid not come out. The final result in carrying out midwifery care fer Mrs. E with ASI dams on the 3rd day after delivery, the evaluation obtained was that the general condition was good, blood pressure 110/80 mmHg, pulse 82x/i, respiration 18x/i temperature 36.60, anxiety is reduced, here is no pain and swelling, the milk comes out smoothly, the mother can breastfeed her baby properly, the mother can do breast care herself and the milk dam has been resolved. Keywords: Postpartum Care, Asi Dam


Hariati, Lili


STIKes Mitra Husada Medan



