Asuhan Kebidanan Gangguan Reproduksi Pada Remaja NN. B Dengan Oligomenore Di Klinik Lili Ambarwati Kec. Medan Marelan Kota Medan Tahun 2022

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Asuhan Kebidanan Gangguan Reproduksi Pada Remaja NN. B Dengan Oligomenore Di Klinik Lili Ambarwati Kec. Medan Marelan Kota Medan Tahun 2022


The World Health Organization (WHO) says that amount infertile couples as much as 36% due to existence abnormality on men, while 64% are on woman. This thing experienced by 17% of couples who have marry more from two the year experienced signs pregnancy even same very not yet once pregnant. WHO too estimate about 50-80 million a couple (1 of 7 couples) has problem infertility, and every year appear about 2 million couple infertile. From the rules minister RI Health Number 25 of 2014, Youth interpreted as population in range age (10-18) years and according to Body Population and Family Planning (BKKBN) range age teenager is 10-24 years old and not yet have a family ( Infodatin Adolescent Reproduction, 2020). Menstruation or period is change physiological in body woman that happened by periodically and influenced by reproductive hormones. Period menstruation important in reproduction, period usually occur every month Among age puberty and menopause . Woman experience cycle menstruation occurs on average about 28 days ( Hutaphea, 2019). The method that has been used in composing study this is method study descriptive with destination give care midwifery about something state based on objective data with use studies case for enforce comparison Among theory and practice real Based on the initial survey conducted in December until month January 2022 at the Clinic Lili Ambarwati Kec. Medan Marelan Medan city 3 respondents with oligomenorthea , consuming junk food or fast food affects the menstrual cycle, namely oligomenorhea . From clinical data Lili Ambarwati So that researchers are interested in doing care in which 1 of them is a teenager with oligomenorrhea who will be a respondent in this final report, namely Ms. B and the author will give Care midwifery on teenager Ms. B with Oligomenorrhea at the Clinic Lili Ambarwati Kec. Medan Marelan Medan City . Based on the above background, the authors are interested in conducting research to find out about "Midwifery Care for Ms. B teenagers with oligomenorrhea" at the Lili Ambarwati Clinic, Medan Marelan District, Medan City.




STIKes Mitra Husada Medan



