Analisis Faktor Pemilihan Tempat Persalinan Di Desa Pasar 3 Natal Kecamatan Natal Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Tahun 2022

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Dublin Core


Analisis Faktor Pemilihan Tempat Persalinan Di Desa Pasar 3 Natal Kecamatan Natal Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Tahun 2022


Coverage of non-health care delivery places in 2016 was 78% and increased again in 2019, namely 78.8%. This achievement is still very low over the last 5 years when compared with the minimum standard target (SPM), therefore researchers want to conduct research on "Analysis of factors related to the choice of place of delivery in Pasar 3 Natal Village, Natal District, Mandailing Natal Regency in 2022". Method: The analysis used is quantitative with bivariate tests carried out to determine whether there is a relationship between the independent factors and the dependent variable using the chi squer test. Results: knowledge, education, costs, parity, age, costs are the variables with a higher P value. < 0.05 means there is a significant relationship between these variables and the choice of place of delivery. Conclusion: with the variables studied with a total of 34 respondents. From the predisposing factors, there is a significant relationship between knowledge, education, costs, age and parity with the choice of place of birth and for the variables Occupation and marital status did not have a significant relationship with the choice of place of delivery.
Keywords: Knowledge, education, age, work, beliefs


Yusrah Al Qomariah Tuz Zahroh


STIKes Mitra Husada Medan



